This agreement is entered into between Rodgers Security Solutions, Inc. (RSS) and independent contractors. RSS employees are not bound by this agreement. If you are an employee of RSS, please return to the previous page.

Rodgers Security Solutions Contractor Agreement
A general agreement between RSS and independent contractors that we enter arrangements with.
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The following is an agreement between Rodgers Security Solutions (RSS) and the security professional and company listed below.

Your Name
Type your first and last name
List your company name (if applicable)
I. You acknowledge and agree that you are an Independent Contractor and are not an employee of Rodgers Security Solutions Inc.
II. CONTRACTOR acknowledges receipt of one copy of the “Independent Contractor Handbook” which addresses our code of conduct and other pertinent information that will directly or indirectly impact and influence our working relationship.
III. CONTRACTOR understands that they will be assigned to a position/role that directly or indirectly has contact with RSS employees, contractors, agents, representatives, vendors, and clients. CONTRACTOR may also engage with the general public, law enforcement, and other third parties. CONTRACTOR reaffirms that they have not been arrested, held or charged with any crime or violation of law other than that stated and explained in detail during initial engagement with RSS. CONTRACTOR understands that the penalty for withholding and/or falsifying information that can potentially cause RSS to be financially or legally penalized, can result in the immediate termination of the contractual relationship between CONTRACTOR and RSS if such falsification or omission is discovered.
IV. CONTRACTOR understands that RSS employees and CONTRACTORS report directly to RSS, not the facility or location or RSS client that EMPLOYEE/CONTRACTOR are assigned to. RSS employees are not, under any circumstances, to write to or discuss with RSS's customers, subcontractors, independent contractors, or affiliates, any matters relating to working hours, rate of pay, benefits, or similar subjects. You agree to notify RSS management and HR team if you are aware of said violations made by our employees. CONTRACTOR also agrees to not discuss your rate of pay, contractural terms, or similar subjects with RSS employees, customers, or affiliates.
V. To address and avoid the possibility of a conflict of interest, and to allow for full transparency, CONTRACTOR agrees not to solicit or accept employment of any kind from RSS’s customers/clients, subcontractors, or affiliates without having the necessary conversation with RSS management, so that all parties are in agreement as to how the terms of said arrangement, impacts or is impacted by your contract with RSS, if deemed feasible.
VI. CONTRACTOR agrees, as a professional courtesy to give at least one (1) week notice prior to termination of their contractual relationship with RSS, if providing security services for or on behalf of RSS. CONTRACTOR will comply with whatever terms are outlined under any other formal agreement made between CONTRACTOR and RSS
VII. CONTRACTOR agrees, as a professional courtesy, to give at least twelve (12) hours notice of inability to report to assigned post, if providing security services for or on behalf of RSS.
VIII. CONTRACTOR agrees that all property provided by RSS and/or our client shall be returned upon termination of your agreement with RSS and/or upon being reassigned to a different post. Any property provided by CONTRACTOR remains the property of CONTRACTOR.
IX. CONTRACTOR agrees that if they do overnight shifts (12 am to 6 am) they will use the agreed upon communication methods for check-ins to align with the RSS client's requirements, and to ensure the safety of CONTRACTOR.
X. CONTRACTOR agrees that if a uniform (or specific dress code) is required per an RSS client, the CONTRACTOR will comply with the dress code/uniform requirements during all shifts.
XI. CONTRACTOR acknowledges that RSS does not tolerate harassment of any kind, to or from any employee, contractor, agent, representative, or client. Violation of RSS's code of ethics and harassment policy will result in the termination of your contract with RSS.
XII. CONTRACTOR understands that if there are excessive complaints made against them from an RSS client, employee, contractor, or vendor, CONTRACTOR can be reassigned to a different client/post, and depending on the severity of the complaint(s), CONTRACTOR's agreement with RSS could be terminated.
By submitting this form to RSS, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the above conditions. You acknowledge that violating the terms of this agreement can result in the termination of your working relationship with Rodgers Security Solutions.
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