Welcome to Rodgers Security Solutions Inc. (RSS)!

We are thrilled that you are interested in providing services to/through our company. Your expertise and commitment to safety and security are vital to our mission of providing exceptional security services to our clients.
At RSS, we recognize that our success depends on the diligence and dedication of those we work with. We are committed to a positive and rewarding relationship with you.
Depending on your role and relationship with RSS, you can expect to complete the following steps:
  1. Required Documentation:
    • Contractor Information Sheet: Please complete this form for you and, if applicable, your company.
    • Contract Agreement and NDA: Please review and sign the Independent Contractor Agreement, Non-Disclosure Agreement, and, if required, the NDA Acknowledgment Form.
    • Other Forms: Please review and complete the other forms provided on this page (see below) to ensure your onboarding is seamless and you can begin working as soon as possible.
    • Identification and Certification: Submit copies of your identification and any relevant certifications (e.g., security guard license) using the File Uploader Tool at the bottom of this page.
  2. Client-Specific Training:
    • Training Program: Depending on the client site requirements, you may need training on their chosen software or protocols. Our comprehensive training program will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your role. This includes both initial and ongoing training opportunities that will ensure you can meet the expectations of RSS clients.
  3. Company Policies:
    • Familiarize yourself with our company policies and guidelines, which are available in the Contractor Handbook (found below). This includes our code of conduct, safety protocols, and any client-specific requests.
  4. Client Scheduling and Assignments:
    • RSS management will speak with you directly about client scheduling and assignments
  5. Communication:
    • Point of Contact: RSS management will speak with you directly. Feel free to reach out to them with any questions or concerns.
    • Team Messaging: You may be assigned credentials to access our Team Messaging app to help reduce security risks and miscommunication.

Key Contacts:

Feedback and Suggestions:

We encourage open communication and value your feedback. If you have any suggestions for improving our services or enhancing your work experience, please do not hesitate to share them with us.

Once Again, Welcome!

Thank you for offering your services to/through Rodgers Security Solutions Inc. We look forward to a successful and mutually rewarding relationship. Together, we will continue to uphold the highest standards of security and service excellence.

On this page you will find the following forms and resources to get you started and to keep you connected with RSS.
  • Contractor Information Sheet: To provide your contact information and, if applicable, for your company.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement: This applies to the non-disclosure of information of RSS, our clients, and representatives
  • NDA Acknowledgment: This acknowledgment form is to address client-specific disclosure requirements
  • Contractor Agreement: This is a general agreement between you and RSS
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form: Please complete this to disclose any known conflicts of interest, or to state otherwise.
  • Emergency Contact Form: In an emergency, we need to know who to contact on your behalf.
  • Change of Address Form: If you relocate, please let us know by completing this form.
  • Direct Deposit Form: Complete this form to have your invoices/time sheets paid via direct deposit to your financial institution.
  • Alternative Pay Request Form: Complete this form if you don’t have a checking/savings account with a bank or credit union.
  • Weekly Time Sheet: This is a time sheet that you can use to submit your hours for pay [Downloadable and Printable].
  • Team Perks: We offer team perks and discounts to our employees and we’d love to also extend them to you.
  • Tax forms: W9 forms and Instruction books in English and Spanish [Downloadable and Printable]
  • Contractor Handbook: To understand your working relationship with RSS. You can also download it.
  • File uploader: Use this tool to quickly upload files that can be submitted to RSS management
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Upon completing each form you will have the option to return back to this page.

Forms to Keep RSS Connected With You

NOTE: If you have already completed the Contractor Information Sheet, then these forms are only to be completed if your information or status changes.

Perks Page

Although you aren’t an employee, we thought it would be a nice token of our appreciation to extend to you access to our Perks Discount page.


File Upload Tool

Upload tax documents needed for payroll distribution
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Your Name
Select Which Form(s) You Are Submitting to RSS
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Contractor Handbook

Please review this handbook to be fully informed about your relationship with RSS

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